Marriage Reportcard
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Relationship Report Card

My Partner...

1.  is an equal participant with chores/children.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
2. shares in decision making.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
3.  communicates emotions and feeling.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
4.  gives Feedback in a positive manner.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
5.  keeps commitments and promises.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
6.  remembers and celebrates occasions.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
7.  gives compliments and approval.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
8.  is supportive of my choices and needs.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
9.  spends sufficient time with me.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
10.  encourages my occasional time with friends.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
11.  is a good listener.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
12.  can laugh and take things easy.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
13. is sexually responsive.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
14.  is physically affectionate.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
15.  is verbally affectionate.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
16.  is polite to my parents/family.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
17.  helps handle problems in my life.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
18.  makes me feel loved.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
19.  puts me (and our family) over work.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
20.  pays attention to grooming and appearance.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
21.  is positive and up-beat.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
22.  doesn’t use others to get at me.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
23.  is accepting of my shortcomings.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
24.  treads gently where I am not strong.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
25.  cooperates on parenting strategies.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
26.  responds productively to criticism.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
27.  expresses anger constructively.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
28.  is able to handle worry effectively.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
29.  is good with money.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
30.  is interested in my work.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
31. is willing to discuss problems.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
32.  is positive with the children.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
33.  is emotionally and physically faithful.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
34.  is able to compromise on issues.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
35.  Is happy with his/her life.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
36.  shares many of the same interests.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
37.  is not verbally or physically threatening.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
38.  gets along with his/her family.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
39.  is off the phone when I am around.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
40.  enjoys our (my) children.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
41.  can take a “time out” when fighting.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
42.  accepts me for who I am.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
43.  pays attention to me when with others.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
44.  offers to help.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
45.  shows appreciation for what I do.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
46. creates time to be alone together.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
47. handles “Ex” in an appropriate manner.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
48. is compatible on religious issues.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 
49. trusts me.    A    B    C    D    F    NA 

Current Assessment
What are the problems in your marriage? _______________________________


What specific incident caused you to decide to come to marriage counseling at this time?


What are your partner’s strengths? _______________________________________


If you had a “magic wand,” what would you change about your partner?



Please check the sentence that most describes your relationship:
_____ Overall, I am very happy in our marriage.
_____ I rarely consider divorce.
_____ It is hard to imagine things changing much.
_____ I often consider a separation or divorce.
_____ I am here to arrange a separation/divorce.

Please rate the following sentences.
1. I am willing to do almost anything to make our relationship work.

_____       _____         _____      _____        _____
Very True Mostly True Neutral Mostly False Very False

2. Over the relationship, we were never truly happy together.
_____       _____         _____     _____         _____
Very True Mostly True Neutral Mostly False Very False

Please finish this sentence: An ideal marriage is one where ____________________



Relationship History

What attracted you to your spouse? ______________________________________


What were the warning signs of your current problems?


Is your spouse more like your mother or your father? How? _____________________


Are you more like your mother or your father? How? __________________________


With which parent did you have more conflict? Explain. ________________________


What did you learn about relationships by watching your parents? ________________



Wilmes-Reitz Psychological

23945 Calabasas Rd., Suite 202

 Calabasas, California  91302

(818) 591-8270





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